Etched By Grace

Etched by Grace is not yet a registered nonprofit. Nonprofit status is a construct of the secular tax system and while it has many benefits for churches and ministries, it also comes with many constraints and regulations (too many for us to manage at this moment in time). At some point in the future God may lead us to form a formal nonprofit with a board, but until that time we are simply sharing the Gospel message freely as far and wide as God will lead us.

We would ask you to consider supporting Mosaic Vision Ministries, Breaker International or the Georgia District of the Pentecostal Church of God. Information and links to these can be found on our Resources & Links page. 

We have a passion to support small churches, whether newly seeded, quickly growing, or those in a challenging season. Many churches don’t yet have resources for apologetics teachers or evangelists to come and teach. So, while our Lord sees fit to meet our family’s needs through secular employment, we will not depend upon the offerings of the saints. All resources and teachings are provided free of cost.

May God bless each one of you!